
Dr. Abi

Meet your Health Coach: Dr. Abi

In the words of Theodore Roosevelt; it is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.

Life is all about perspective, a mindset, and a mind shift. 

You are doing the work and therefore you count and you matter. It took me a long time to figure that out but now that I’ve been on this new path, where I embrace life and every moment wholeheartedly, live intentionally, practice self-love and self-affirmations, and most importantly get up every time I fall.  I’m excited to talk and work with you on your own journey. 

I’m a board certified internist. First grandchild in my clan and first of 6 awesome sisters and brother. Mentorship and role modeling has always been at the core of my upbringing. I attended medical school in Nigeria and subsequently completed my residency training and board certification in the United States. I have been practicing as an internist for over 15 years, and have worked in different spheres of medicine. However, my heart has always been in outpatient / office practice. Caring for people from birth to their last days, the experiences and life lessons are priceless. These have molded and shaped the way that I approach life and truly believe that health is wealth. Gaining insight and perspective is not about the number of days you have lived, it’s about the experience and lessons you have learnt. 

I’m married to a supportive man who has grown with me over the last 22 years and I am blessed with 2 wonderful Children who light up my life and keep me grateful every waking day.   

I look forward to meeting you and being part of your story.